Blue Wire Launches "Golden Goal" Narrative Soccer Series

Henry Ettinger

July 29, 2020

Blue Wire has begun releasing episodes of its exclusive narrative podcast series, "Golden Goal: Stories of Soccer Legends." Golden Goal will take a look back at soccer superstars and the moments that made them in 15 minutes or less. Season One features some of the biggest names in the history of the sport, including Messi, Pelé, Rapinoe, Haaland, Zlatan, Zidane, and more.

This narrative project was done using Blue Wire's existing soccer talent, giving them a chance to expand their work beyond their normal podcast on the network. The show was written by Adam Snavely, the co-host of Blue Wire's weekly narrative soccer podcast, Dead Ball Brothers. It is narrated by another Blue Wire podcaster, Always Cheating's Brandon Kelley, who had this to say on the project:

"At first, I approached the narration of Golden Goal as a sort of "tour guide. But there were so many times in the recording process when I would find myself swept up by the raw emotion of simply being a soccer fan. Recounting these iconic moments—goals and matches that have been seared into my brain over the years — it's hard to not suddenly be transported. One of the coolest things about Golden Goal is how the narration is intercut with actual archival match commentary and player interviews. If you want to relive some of your favorite soccer memories, it's all right here for you."

Golden Goal represents Blue Wire's push into narrative, evergreen content. This series follows The Chase Down's "City of Champions" narrative series about the Cleveland Cavaliers NBA Finals comeback in 2016 against the Golden State Warriors. Podcasting has become a place where audio storytelling can thrive, and Blue Wire is at the forefront of that shift in the industry.

"Sports are more than just games and entertainment," series writer Adam Snavely said. "They’re the folk histories with which we chart much of our lives, and the histories of our countries and people. The podcast is a perfect avenue for exploring that side of sports. It’s easy and accessible for listeners and podcasters alike, and allows you to participate in narrative the way narrative and storytelling originated, and the way it was passed down through the centuries: by listening."

Blue Wire will be releasing episodes of Season One throughout the next few weeks. To subscribe to the Golden Goal: Stories of Soccer Legends series, visit it here on Apple Podcasts or search it in your favorite podcast player. For more updates on Blue Wire content, visit or find us on Twitter @bluewirepods.

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